3D Printing for Art & Design

Artistic installations I Design studios I Furniture applications

Unlock Your Artistic Potential with 3D Printing

3D printing is now vital in various industries and especially transformative in the arts, presenting new perspectives and opportunities.We encourage exploring the endless creative prospects 3D printing offers to art, inspired by our innovative customers and projects.

Benefits of 3D Printing for The Visual Arts

Making the impossible possible



Design with freedom

New Level of Artistic Freedom and Personalization

3D printing technology offers artists unparalleled flexibility and the opportunity to innovate.

Artistic Installations

Artistic Installations

3D printing offers unprecedented geometric freedom, enabling artists to create and print any imagined design, including large-scale art and sculptures.
Furniture Applications

Furniture Applications

3D printing transforms furniture manufacturing, enabling unique prototypes, furniture, and spare parts, widely adopted by the industry.
Design Studios

Design Studios

3D printing revolutionizes design studios by enabling rapid prototyping, creative freedom, cost efficiency, and fostering iterative, innovative processes.

Customer Stories

Discover how customers are transforming their design and manufacturing processes with 3D printing solutions.

TRASHAUS: From Recycled Product Design to Brand Sustainability

Related Product

Plastic Pellet Materials

Cut your material costs by more than 60% by printing with Plastic pellets and recycled plastics instead of filament.

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